Category: General Issues
What Kind of Nurses Get Paid the Most?

Work as a nurse in the USA in 2019 is in demand. This profession is one of the highest paid. A nurse in America is the doctor’s right hand, and not just a technical assistant who puts injections and bandages wounds. The number of nurses exceeds 2.6 million. New vacancies appear every year since not only hospitals need such specialists but also schools, various enterprises and institutions. According to analysts, the nursing profession is becoming more and more relevant. This is due to the increase in life expectancy in the country. Home nurses are especially in demand: nurses in the…
RIBN Conference

Events 2014 RIBN CONFERENCE Summary THIRD ANNUAL STATEWIDE RIBN CONFERENCE O.Henry Hotel, Greensboro, NC April 15, 2014 SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS 142 people gathered at the O.Henry Hotel in Greensboro, North Carolina on Tuesday, April 15 , 2014 for the Third Annual Statewide RIBN Conference.The keynote address, The Oregon Academic Progression Model: Progress and Lessons Learned was provided by Puala Gubrud-Howe, EdD, MS, RN, FAAN from the Oregon Health & Science University School of Nursing.Pamela Johnson Rowsey, PhD, RN from the University of North Carolina School of Nursing gave the morning presentation, Challenges and Opportunities: Recruiting and Supporting Underrepresented Ethnic Minorities…
Nursing Excellence Award

The medical profession has always been treated with great respect. Indeed, the development of humanity is impossible without these people. The nursing awards are special decals awarded only to the best workers in this sphere. The Florence Nightingale Medal is one of these honorary awards What is the Florence Nightingale Medal? The Florence Nightingale Medal is the highest distinction awarded by the International Committee of the Red Cross. It is awarded to nurses who “distinguished themselves by their exceptional dedication in caring for the wounded and sick during wars and a public disaster.” This medal could be handed over posthumously…
RIBN Business Case Analysis & Economic Impact

The Foundation for Nursing Excellence is excited to share the Business Case Analysis and Economic Impact Executive Summary and Recommendations that was developed by Professor Nicholas Didow and David Bridges, CPA of the Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in March 2013. This study examines the economic impact of the Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses initiative (RIBN) – a new educational pathway to a Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree in North Carolina – on its key stakeholders that include the nursing student, the community colleges, the universities and employers of nurses. Determining the costs of…
How to Become a Nursing Assistant?
How Much Do Nursing Homes Cost?

Nursing homes have become firmly established in the daily lives of Americans and have become an integral part of social security. Many elderly people do not just save money for old age, but they plan in advance in which nursing home they will live after retirement. Numerous boarding houses, hotels and nursing homes have become not just social institutions, but a very special branch of business. Often, the competition between different nursing homes is not worse than in the hotel business, and you need to sign up for the best boarding houses several years before the onset of retirement. What…
History of Nursing

There are three early images of a nurse at the forefront of the development of nursing. This is the folk image of “sister-mother” – a period when the care of the sick was carried out at home by women and was limited to the treatment of ceremonies and herbs. Another religious image is “the worker of God” – a period characterized by the appearance of all kinds of almshouses, where church attendants cared for the sick. And the third stage (the “dark” period) is the image of the “servant” – when people with special education began to provide assistance.
How Long is Nursing School?

The more medicine develops, the stricter the staff requirements become. Sometimes the society treats the nurse as an employee without special qualifications. But today Nursing Schools prepares specialists with higher education. As experience shows, higher education affects the quality of the work of a nurse. Most often, after graduation from a bachelor’s degree, such a specialist does not leave his profession, as he sees broad prospects for self-realization. The terms of reference include not only medical activities, but also rehabilitation, organizational, managerial, and research.
Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses (RIBN) Project

Visit the RIBN website to learn more! FOUNDATION FOR NURSING EXCELLENCE: NORTH CAROLINA REGIONALLY INCREASING BACCALAUREATE NURSES (RIBN) RIBN is coordinated statewide by the Foundation for Nursing Excellence with financial support from the Duke Endowment, the Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the NC Area Health Education Centers Program. Mission of RIBN: To improve the health and health outcomes of North Carolinians by increasing the educational preparation and diversity of the nursing workforce. Vision: By 2020, the RIBN pathway will be an educational option across all regions of North Carolina for students to achieve a baccalaureate degree in…